Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hijack Pickup Weapon

This weapon can be picked up on the map.

- The player fires a single spread of multiple projectiles (perhaps 5 or 7)

- Any player struck by one of the projectiles is damaged and also hijacked, and claims tiles for the hijacker with any action that would normally claim tiles for the hijacked player (such as walking and attacks)

- The projectile also claims the tile that a struck target is standing on

- The hijacked status lasts until a certain amount of time passes, the hijacked player dies, or the hijack is overridden by another player's new hijack

- Turrets struck by the hijack projectile are also damaged and hijacked, but the without time limit, so the status lasts until overridden by another hijack or the turret is destroyed

- A hijacked turret is considered owned by the hijacker, and tries to shoot the new owner's enemies and claim tiles for the new owner, and may be healed by the new owner

- The tile occupied by a hijacked turret is claimed by the hijacker

- If a hijacked player creates a turret while hijacked, the turret is owned by the hijacker and acts as if the hijacker created the turret

- A hijacked player's attacks still damage enemy players and turrets as normal, and heal his own turrets as normal

- A hijacked player's turrets that were created prior to the player being hijacked continue to attack and claim tiles for the hijacked player rather than the hijacker

- The projectiles from the hijack weapon have little health compared to most other attacks, and can be easily destroyed by projectiles from other weapons

- The death of a hijacker does not remove any hijacked status on targets

- While a player is hijacked, a particle effect indicates the hijacked status

- If we implement an enhanced version, the enhancement will fire a spread that includes more projectiles, projectiles with more health, a denser pattern, and travels faster, and if it strikes the killing blow against a player, it claims all that player's tiles and turrets for the hijack user to own

- The role of the hijack is to force enemies to carefully consider when to attack and move, and it is one of the best counters to the auto-turret's ability to dominate the map

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