Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ground Worm Pickup Weapon

This is a pickup weapon on the map. It fires a projectile that claims and ignites on fire any tiles it passes over, and shields them from being claimed by enemies.

- The player fires a low projectile that travels along the surface of the tiles, below the elevation of most other projectiles

- The projectile travels in a straight line until it dissipates when it cannot travel any further over tiles in that direction (because it meets a wall, the edge of the level, or a surface that cannot be ever claimed like the current elevators)

- If the projectile's path is unblocked, it continues to move forward for a very long time

- The projectile claims any tile it passes over for the user's color, and also ignites those tiles on fire that is of the color of the user, creating the effect of a flaming worm crawling across the ground

- The projectile will not claim a tile occupied by an enemy turret, but will ignite the tile on fire

- Flaming tiles deal damage per unit time to any enemy within a given distance above them, such as enemy players, enemy turrets, and enemy projectiles that pass over their space

- Each tile remains flaming for a certain amount of time after it first ignites

- While a tile is on fire, it cannot be claimed by enemy players, and new enemy turrets cannot be created on it

- While a tile is on fire, the ground worm user may still lose ownership of the tile's color, such as when the player dies

- The owner of the flame effect and his projectiles and turrets are not damaged by the flame

- The fired projectile that bestows the flame effect may be damaged and destroyed, but this does not quench any previously ignited tiles

- The ground worm projectile moves too close to the ground to be struck by the hijack projectiles, and cannot be hijacked in any case

- If a player fires the ground worm while hijacked, the projectile along with any tiles it claims and ignites are owned by the hijacker, and deal damage to the hijacker's enemies as if the hijacker had fired the worm

- The projectile passes through players and turrets without dealing damage, but its tile ignite effect will deal damage

- If the projectile passes over a tile currently occupied by an enemy player, it claims and ignites the tile just as it would an unoccupied tile

- If the projectile passes over a tile that is protected by an enemy ground worm's ignite effect, it will claim the tile and override the enemy ignite, but take damage from doing so

- The enhanced version of this projectile does not stop and dissipate when there is no more ground in front of it, but instead changes direction to move away from the obstacle at an opposite angle, as if reflecting off a mirror

- The role of the ground worm is to be one of the most reliable ways to control space, being less sustainable than a turret, but also having the ability to quickly destroy stationary targets like turrets

1 comment:

  1. Only briefly glimpsed through this...

    Possible, but if and only if you're willing to create a 2nd type of mesh that's slightly above the tiles, where each mesh corresponds with a tile. It suffices to say, this is a lot of work.

    This is because non-zero extent blocking is applied to both pawns and projectiles. The current tiles blocks pawns, so it'll naturally block projectiles as well; hence, a separate mesh is necessary.
