Monday, July 18, 2011

Grid Iron logo


  1. Some thoughts... The shapes looks like a mantis than a head with eyes. Also, when looking at the small icons, the eyes aren't visible. Maybe the eyes need to be bigger and the shape of the top part of the head may need to be adjusted to something more conventional?

    Anyways, my favorite would have to be 1 or 4 (from the top), since white on black allows the shapes to be more identifiable. What I like about 1 is that it's simple (focusing on just the head). What I like about 4 is that more of the body of the robot is shown, which makes it more distinctive (but this isn't identifiable in the small icon, where it looks more like a radioactive sign).

  2. thanks for the input tony.
    I agree with what you said.
    I need to find a way to make the character's head not look like a bug. If the head silhouette is bolder it should work small or large as well.

    My favorite is 1 and 4 because of the black part.
    Many of my friends like the third logo for its' "G" and the simplicity.

    I'll post up a revised version as soon as i get it done.
