Sunday, January 1, 2012

Visual Tests

These are images of some changes I've made. I have not committed any of these changes. Each image represent different changes (e.g., lighting, distribution of brightness). A couple of images uses only 4 distribution of tile brightness factors, while a couple of other images uses a completely randomized brightness factor between 0.0 and 1.0. Note, the name of the images (or its url) gives a hint on what the changes are.

Notice that "trail" tiles are not in any of the images (except maybe 1). Also, the images were taken when the materials were at their most "bright".

Some changes I've made:
- changed emission visual script for the tile material (for the uncolored state and colored state). The uncolored state is now much dimmer, where I first turned off all of the lights to determine a value for its emission component (so that it doesn't appear too bright). Note, I made a copy of the material (i.e., Thomas's material) before changing it to the current one.
- turned off the 2 previous lights. Created a dominant directional light.

I have not committed any of these changes, because the unrealscript side was done for illustrative purposes only; it's very, very inefficient since a new material is constructed whenever the tile color changes.

Edit: Added a new pic to the top. Note, it can be improved, but right now I'm just offering an alternative.

1 comment:

  1. At present, the difference between the trail and normal colored tiles is somewhat difficult to distinguish, since they basically look the same aside from a difference in brightness. Previously, they had a more obvious difference in texture. However, I believe the higher degree of solid brightness in the tiles onscreen is an improvement overall.
