Monday, October 17, 2011

Stealth Design 2

Prototype for redesign of the stealth system. Upon activation, the player becomes invisible until he chooses to deactivate it. Upon deactivating stealth, the player also deals large damage to all nearby enemies. After 2 seconds of invisibility, stealth automatically ends and damages enemies as if the player had chosen to deactivate it.

In this prototype, stealth activation is on a cooldown timer rather than requiring pickup of a 1 use stealth item as was intended. I may modify the prototype later to incorporate the pickup. At the moment, the "E" keyboard button is pressed to "use" a Kismet trigger and activate/deactivate the stealth. This doesn't replace the fire button, so for now the player can still use other weapons during stealth.

The activation can be buggy and unreliable. I'm not sure if this has to do with some lag in Kismet or if it's some flaw in my scripting method.

Another inaccuracy of this prototype is how the invisible player continues to create a color tile trail that gives away his position. It's hard to precisely gauge how difficult it would be to navigate during stealth without the trail.

Stealth only functions for one of the players (player 3, yellow).

The AI bots are clearly aware of the stealthed player.

The video also shows some of Trenton's sound effects in-game. Strangely, I wasn't able to replace the landing sound, and I'm not sure why.

The fire sound is Trenton's "Basic Fire 6" but randomly pitch-shifted +/- 10% and mixed with a copy of itself with each firing. I think the effect is rather neat, but fairly subtle.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Gameplay Test with Blinking Stealth

Here's a gameplay video of the blinking stealth mechanic. At the last meeting, we decided we're likely to do the stealth differently, and have 2 seconds or so of total invisibility rather than the longer duration blinking, since it will be more intuitive to players.